Sean Larmore – Principal
Sean has practiced cultural resource management since 1996, and has served as the cultural resource manager for ERO since 2005. He is responsible for all facets of cultural resource compliance, developing work plans, coordinating with clients and regulatory agencies, ensuring regulatory compliance and best practices, and maintaining quality assurance and control. Sean has a broad range of Section 106 compliance experience including municipal water development, transportation, electrical transmission, vegetation management, land development, oil and gas development, mineral development, and Section 404 Clean Water Act compliance. He is the primary lead for conducting Native American coordination and National Environmental Policy Act impact assessments. Sean has served as principal investigatory on more than 500 projects with cultural resource components for clients such as the Federal Highway Administration, National Park Service, Bureau of Reclamation, Forest Service, Bureau of Land Management, Army Corps of Engineers, cities, counties, special districts, and engineering firms.