Kathy Croll – Principal
Kathy is a cultural resources project manager and cultural GIS lead for ERO with more than 18 years of experience in cultural resource management. She completed her PhD at the University of New Mexico in 2010 and holds federal and state permits to conduct archaeological investigations statewide in Colorado (state lands and BLM), Utah (BLM), New Mexico (state lands), and North Dakota, as well as USDA National Forest Region 2; Santa Fe, Lincoln, and Gila national forests; and within the northwest area of New Mexico (BLM). Kathy has supervised or participated in survey, testing, and mitigation phase fieldwork in Colorado, New Mexico, Utah, North Dakota, South Dakota, Alabama, Florida, Louisiana, Illinois, Missouri, Wyoming, and Belize. Her responsibilities include project development, project management, and supervision of all stages of archaeological data collection including file search and literature reviews (Class I), sample inventory (Class II), intensive inventories (Class III), evaluative testing, and data recovery. She specializes in GIS applications and spatial analysis and ceramic technology. As the cultural GIS lead, she is also responsible for the analysis and presentation of all cultural GIS data.