ERO works closely with federal and state agencies and nonfederal project proponents to navigate the NEPA process and complete responsive, well-supported, and legally defensible compliance documents, including environmental impact statements, environmental assessments, and categorical exclusions. Our clients rely on our experience and expertise to provide a straightforward approach to completing the required level of NEPA compliance and associated permitting. Our goals are to support project proponents, agencies, and partners throughout the process as efficiently as possible and to find creative “no action” solutions that eliminate the need for NEPA documentation whenever possible.
Areas of Expertise
Scoping and public involvement
ERO plans and implements effective public involvement strategies, including public meetings, stakeholder outreach, and written materials (e.g., websites and newsletters). We use customized databases to efficiently manage and respond to public comments.
Project purpose and need and alternatives development
Biological resource assessment
Cultural resources
Water resources
Other environmental resources
Cumulative impacts
NEPA Services Leads