Tri‐State Generation and Transmission Association (Tri‐State) proposed to rebuild the existing Montrose‐Nucla‐Cahone 115 kV transmission line to operate at 230kV. The rebuild was required to resolve maintenance issues, increase line …
U.S. Highway 6 and 19th Street Interchange, Documented Categorical Exclusion, CO
The City of Golden (City) proposed improvements to the U.S. Highway 6 and 19th Street intersection, partially in Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) right‐of‐way. As a subcontractor to the City’s engineering …
Water Infrastructure and Supply Efficiency (WISE) Project
The WISE Partnership is an innovative regional water supply project that supplies much-needed renewable water to communities in the south metro area to reduce their reliance on nonrenewable Denver Basin …
Arkansas Valley Conduit
The Bureau of Reclamation plans to construct and operate the Arkansas Valley Conduit (AVC), a project needed to deliver high quality water to meet existing and future municipal and industrial …
Western Area Power Administration
Since 2013, ERO has provided cultural resource services under a blanket purchase agreement with Western. Projects to date have included cultural resource survey in Nebraska and Colorado and monitoring projects …