In 2018, ERO assisted Eagle County Open Space with the development of a long-range management plan for the newly-acquired ranch property adjacent to Eagle, Colorado. Through a comprehensive public and …
Fruitland Irrigation Company Salinity Control Project, Delta County, CO
ERO conducted field evaluations for wildlife habitat and cultural resources along 12.4 miles of Gould Canal, an open canal on the Fruitland Mesa near Crawford. The project conforms to the …
Tri-State Montrose-Nucla-Cahone Transmission Line Improvement Project, Western Colorado
Tri‐State Generation and Transmission Association (Tri‐State) proposed to rebuild the existing Montrose‐Nucla‐Cahone 115 kV transmission line to operate at 230kV. The rebuild was required to resolve maintenance issues, increase line …
U.S. Highway 6 and 19th Street Interchange, Documented Categorical Exclusion, CO
The City of Golden (City) proposed improvements to the U.S. Highway 6 and 19th Street intersection, partially in Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) right‐of‐way. As a subcontractor to the City’s engineering …
Water Infrastructure and Supply Efficiency (WISE) Project
The WISE Partnership is an innovative regional water supply project that supplies much-needed renewable water to communities in the south metro area to reduce their reliance on nonrenewable Denver Basin …
Eagle to Horn Ranch Trail Project
ERO assisted Eagle County and BLM staff with collecting approximately 250-300 rare penstemon (Harrington’s Beardtongue, Penstemon harringtonii) for transport to the Upper Colorado Environmental Plant Center, a grow out facility …
Douglas County Regional Habitat Conservation Plan
ERO assisted Douglas County and the towns of Castle Rock, Larkspur, and Parker with developing the Douglas County Regional HCP. ERO developed the HCP with significant input from a wide-ranging …
Pikes Peak – South Slope Recreation Area Noxious Weed
Pikes Peak South Slope Recreation Area recently reopened to visitors after being off limits to the public for more than a century. This diverse and biologically rich landscape is now …
Western Yellow-Billed Cuckoo Surveys, Conejos County, CO
CDOT is currently scoping the removal and replacement of two concrete bridges where U.S. Highway 285 crosses the North Branch Conejos River and the Conejos River north of Antonito, Colorado …
Arkansas Valley Conduit
The Bureau of Reclamation plans to construct and operate the Arkansas Valley Conduit (AVC), a project needed to deliver high quality water to meet existing and future municipal and industrial …
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